European Pricing Forum at the Heart of Pricing

Riceviamo il contributo del nostro associato Giuseppe Monita, che ha presieduto la nona edizione dell'European Pricing Forum, tenutasi a Monaco di Baviera dal 14 al 16 ottobre. Un'opportunità di networking e formazione per i pricing manager

Since the start, now 14 years, 26+ conferences, 10+ certification programs with more than 70 people certified and uncountable training sessions later, European Pricing Forum (EPP) has grown to be the leading professional association for pricing and monetization professionals, globally.

At EPP, pricing professionals around the world get exposed to state of the art processes, techniques, tools and network to enable them to boost both their career and top line revenues & profits. They deliver through their globally recognized Certified Pricing Manager Programs (CPM), content resources, the largest offer of professional pricing training programs (EPP Academy) and conferences (EPP Forums) – with excellent knowledge sharing and networking opportunities.

To make this happen, they partner with the top pricing consultants, pricing software vendors and research partners – who believe it’s important for the industry to invest in individual and organizational pricing maturity development. They work closely together with the global pricing community to further invest in relevant knowledge sharing. All of this happens across borders and in as many countries as possible – ensuring a highly international work environment.

I had the honour to chair the 9th European Pricing Forum held this year in Munich dedicated to Pharma and Medical Device companies. It was a great moment for learning, discuss, reflect, doing business network and share best practice. These are really important World-Wide events where key stakeholders such as: Pricing, Reimbursement, Market Access, Commercial, Marketing, Sales

Directors and Top Managers can get together putting at the center of their interests the improvement of Patients wellness and value based impact on public expenditure.


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